硬式空手道とは1979年 久高正之師範によって開発されたスーパーセーフ安全防具によって制限のない組手競技法を発表した競技システムです。 もともと少林寺流拳行館空手道では組手の稽古の際怪我を防止するために剣道の防具を使用していました。 Koshiki Karatedo is founded 1979 by Dr. Masayuki Kukan Hisataka. He created Super Safe protective equipment and Koshiki Karatedo Competition Rules. Koshiki Karatedo is competition system so open to any style of Karatedo. Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karatedo used training with Kendo protector because prevents from injuries 硬式空手道基本相対練習 自由組手 安全で生きた技が習得できる。 実際に技を当てることで明確な技が習得できる。 […]
Video: Renshu Ni Kumite
Renshu Kumite Ni is the second of two prearranged sequences (yakusoku randori kumite) developed by Hanshi Masayuki Kukan Hisataka to assist karatedo students to refine their favorite techniques into effective sequences utilizing both offensive and defensive strategies.
Video: Renshu Ichi Kumite
Renshu Kumite Ichi emphasizes the use of the front hand and is recommended for 10th and 9th kyu students while Renshu Kumite Ni teaches the use of the back hand, and is recommended for 8th and 7th kyu students.
Video: Ten-Chi-Jin Kumite
The ten-chi-jin kumite are six basic attack and counter-attack sequences, three using hand techniques and three using foot techniques, which are designed to develop the ability to decide the correct distancing for a particular technique and also the most effective footwork to get close with that technique.