
Video: Kata Sochin

Video: Kata Sochin

Kata Sochin is a very popular Kata found in many styles of Karate. In Shorinjiryu the kata is practiced at a senior black belt level of Sandan (3rd) dan and above. The kata emphasizes strong stances and center of gravity with purposeful steps. In this respect the kata can be […]

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Video: Kata Koshiki Bassai

Video: Kata Koshiki Bassai

Kata Koshiki Bassai is the original form of the more commonly known name of Kata Bassai. Most styles of Karate practice a modified form of the Kata known as Bassai-Dai. However, for Shorinjiryu the Koshiki form of the Kata is the standard form to be practiced. The kata is typically […]

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Video: Kata Happiken

Video: Kata Happiken

Kata Happiken is considered an intermediate level kata typically taught to green belt and brown belt practitioners. The kata was developed by Hanshi Hisataka specifically to assist North American karateka when he was in the United States circa 1964 through 1967. Hanshi Hisataka believed that the geometry and movements of […]

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Video: Kata Saisan

Like Sanchin Kata, Seisan kata is aimed at developing footwork, strong stances, ki, and breath control. It is also an isometric body building form of exercise, however, the techniques displayed in Seisan are more advanced than in Sanchin. Its stances are wider and the postures are “half face front” (hanmai, […]

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Video: Kata Nijushiho-Dai

Video: Kata Nijushiho-Dai

The original name of this kata is “Niseishi” kata meaning “Twenty-four movements”. It was developed by Okinawan karate Masters and was designed both for empty-hand and weapon fighting. It has since been adapted by Shinan Kori Hisataka in Kenkokan Karatedo. In fact, there are not twenty-four movements in Nijushiho. There […]

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Video: Kata Koshiki Naihanchin

Video: Kata Koshiki Naihanchin

This kata describes its intent, purpose, and meaning in its name, which literally means “fighting in a narrow space.” there are various versions of this kata and the prefix Koshiki indicates that this particular version is thought to be an original or ancient version.

Video Kata Kudaka No Naihanchin

Video Kata Kudaka No Naihanchin

Kata Naihanchin is a fundamental kata within the Shorinjiryu system. Both adults and children learn Kata Naihanchin typically as their first kata. Kata Naihanchin focuses on sideways fighting with strong stances and the execution of strong kicks and punches. They kata is typically performed with both a right and left side.