
Hanshi Masayuki Kukan Hisataka 80th Birthday

Founder of Koshiki Karatedo Hanshi Masayuki Kukan Hisataka Happy 80th Birthday! Thank you very much for your long time Guidance. 久高正之空観範士 80歳(傘寿)お誕生日おめでとうございます。 長年に渡るご指導に感謝申し上げます。 少林寺流拳行館空手道門下生一同

Updated DOJO KUN 道場訓

少林寺流拳行館 道場訓 Dojo Kun 一、 礼儀作法を正しく行うこと Rei gi saho wo tadashiku okonau koto 一、 勝負の原理を極めること Shobuno Genri wo kiwameru koto 一、 真善美の探求に努めること Shin zen bi no tankyu ni Tsutomeru koto 一、 自信と勇気を持って行動すること Jishin to yuki wo motte kodo suru koto 一、 人格の完成に努力すること Jinkaku no kansei ni doryoku suru koto Shorinjiryu Kenkokan […]

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Intership At The Hombu

Intership At The Hombu

Are you interested in a 1 Year Internship at the Hombu dojo in Tokyo. Obtain a visa for 1 year through the Hombu, train as much as you like, we help you to get an apartment and a job. Chance of a lifetime. Already 3 new Interns for this year. More spots available.

Welcome To The Hombu

Welcome To The Hombu

The Shorinjiryu Hombu dojo would like to welcome everyone to the new website. The Shorinjiryu Hombu website is intended to be the home for all practitioners of Shorinjiryu. If you practice Shorinjiryu then the Hombu website is your portal to your Hombu. The Japan Hombu welcomes all Shorinjiryu practitioners and […]

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