
Kata Training

Kata Training

This method is derived from the principle of the four seasons, combined with proper breathing. Kata training will improve the mind, technique and body, teaching self-defense while giving one a healthy body and mind.

Commercialization of Dan Degrees

Commercialization of Dan Degrees

It is deplorable that some Karateka become too commercialized and lose the true spirit of Karate-do as a martial art. Basically, Karateka should train hard to seek the truth of karate with a high level of knowledge and technique, compete at many International tournaments and contribute for Karate society.

Video: Renshu Ni Kumite

Video: Renshu Ni Kumite

Renshu Kumite Ni is the second of two prearranged sequences (yakusoku randori kumite) developed by Hanshi Masayuki Kukan Hisataka to assist karatedo students to refine their favorite techniques into effective sequences utilizing both offensive and defensive strategies.

Video: Renshu Ichi Kumite

Video: Renshu Ichi Kumite

Renshu Kumite Ichi emphasizes the use of the front hand and is recommended for 10th and 9th kyu students while Renshu Kumite Ni teaches the use of the back hand, and is recommended for 8th and 7th kyu students.

Finding Your Inner Master – Kigatsuku

Finding Your Inner Master – Kigatsuku

For many students the practice of Kata, or forms, is very frustrating and elusive. Though they may practice and master the techniques and series of movements, deeper spiritual mastery is often out of reach. This may be due to a number of reasons. This paper is meant to identify some […]

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Video: Kata Nijushiho-Dai

Video: Kata Nijushiho-Dai

The original name of this kata is “Niseishi” kata meaning “Twenty-four movements”. It was developed by Okinawan karate Masters and was designed both for empty-hand and weapon fighting. It has since been adapted by Shinan Kori Hisataka in Kenkokan Karatedo. In fact, there are not twenty-four movements in Nijushiho. There […]

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Video: Ten-Chi-Jin Kumite

Video: Ten-Chi-Jin Kumite

The ten-chi-jin kumite are six basic attack and counter-attack sequences, three using hand techniques and three using foot techniques, which are designed to develop the ability to decide the correct distancing for a particular technique and also the most effective footwork to get close with that technique.

Video: Kata Koshiki Naihanchin

Video: Kata Koshiki Naihanchin

This kata describes its intent, purpose, and meaning in its name, which literally means “fighting in a narrow space.” there are various versions of this kata and the prefix Koshiki indicates that this particular version is thought to be an original or ancient version.

Video Kata Kudaka No Naihanchin

Video Kata Kudaka No Naihanchin

Kata Naihanchin is a fundamental kata within the Shorinjiryu system. Both adults and children learn Kata Naihanchin typically as their first kata. Kata Naihanchin focuses on sideways fighting with strong stances and the execution of strong kicks and punches. They kata is typically performed with both a right and left side.

Welcome To The Hombu

Welcome To The Hombu

The Shorinjiryu Hombu dojo would like to welcome everyone to the new website. The Shorinjiryu Hombu website is intended to be the home for all practitioners of Shorinjiryu. If you practice Shorinjiryu then the Hombu website is your portal to your Hombu. The Japan Hombu welcomes all Shorinjiryu practitioners and […]

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